Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Maternal Instincts

Snicker of the day.... Went to get something from my purse just now and found a giant, purple, fuzzy mouse in there. Apparently Naia (the kitten) thought I needed to take this with me. What was even MORE adorable? Her favorite toy - a smaller orange-and-yellow mouse that she and I frequently play fetch with... was ALSO in said purse. It's adorable... it's like she knew I needed some extra support today and packed away HER favorite toy in MY bag. :P  

You my think I'm personifying this cat... you need to meet the child. She puts the green and red balls back away in her basket. She will drop the fuzzy mice in the shower as an offering (after I'm done, but before the shower is dry). She nuzzles up against my chest/head every night... she tries to comb my long hair with her claws when it's all dangly and loose. She once picked up my dirty kleenex from the floor and brought it over to the trash can.  

I've never met a cat quite like this little girl. All the while purring her head off and giving a slight "purrrrt" when she wants me to pay attention (and/or play fetch). She appreciates it when the patio door is open just a bit so she can stare at the birds outside... and she will chew on the string attached to
the door, pulling with her itsy weight until I get the hint - open this door please mom. She has come up and licked the tears off my face when I'm upset... and she will clean up the peanut butter bits on any plate that has PB in the snack/meal. She shares everything with her big sister... except for tuna, but then again, her big sister would eat her out of her serving if she tried to be nice on that one.  

Once, when she was younger, SHE slept in my purse. It was like she wanted to go wherever I went - so adorable. So I had to share these "awwwwh" moments. She's my little fluffy baby. I've got nicknames for the girls now. Fluff is Naia (her hair keeps getting longer and loner!) and Stuff is Raven (who likes to sit in EVERYTHING).  

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